Total Medals Earned: 119 (From 35 different games.) Total Medal Score: 1,310 Points
Medals Earned: 1/25 (5/485 points)
Play 360 Degrees.
Collect SKATE.
Collect COMBO.
Knock over all 10 garbage cans.
Squash all 5 birds.
Overload the water system.
Find the Secret Tape
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Flip 3 times in the air.
Survive a whole minute after the timer ends.
Finish with more than 5k points.
Finish with more than 20k points.
Finish with more than 75k points.
Finish with more than 125k points.
Finish with more than 300k points.
Finish with more than 500k points.
Finish with more than 1M points.
Finish with more than 2M points.
Finish with more than 5M points.
Finish with more than 10M points.
Complete two goals at once.
Complete three goals at once.
Complete four goals at once.
Complete five goals at once.
Complete all six goals at once.
Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/185 points)
Complete the tutorial.
Full Combo Early Mornin' Booze.
Full Combo Drunken Do-Si-Do.
Full Combo Moonshine Melody.
Full Combo Holly Jolly Jivin'.
Full Combo Here We Go Again.
Visit the credits.
Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/195 points)
play bug ball 3D !!
complete the EASY course!
complete the MEDIUM course!
complete the HARD course!
get an S rank on any course
get an S rank on every course
complete any course with the "mirror world" modifier enabled
complete any course with the "overdrive" modifier enabled
read the credits
Medals Earned: 2/10 (10/270 points)
Welcome to the rest of your nine lives!
Ya Got Pop'd Son. Unfortunate.
Get a score of 25,000! Hungry huh?
Get a score of 40,000! Calm Down bro.
Get Shot 10 Times! Maybe it was an Accident?
Get Shot 30 Times. You don't accidentally shoot a cat 30 times.
Escape the Cops and Beat the game on Easy Mode!
Defeat the CoptoCopter and Beat the Game on Normal!
Kill 100 Stray Katz! I don't know if you're justified or not.
Kill 200 Stray Katz! Expect some judgment from a jokin' skelecat. Hell, I'm judging you right now!
Medals Earned: 15/16 (150/160 points)
Kick your first Crimp
Check the credits
Pause the game
Restart a level
Clean the Newgrounds Office
Clean the Newgrounds Basement
Clean Tom Fulp's Living Room
Clean Pub Castañon
Clean Ranch Ramirez
Clean the Junkyard
Clean HELL
Clean Space
Clean the Newgrounds Portal
Complete the game
Kill someone in the credits menu
Medals Earned: 2/4 (75/200 points)
Finished the song!
Achieve a combo of 50 notes in a row!
Hit every green note...
Strip the drive-thru girl and slap on the Tom Fulp mask.
Medals Earned: 2/13 (10/140 points)
Survive Night 1
Survive Night 2
Survive Night 3
Survive Night 4
Survive Night 5
Survive Night 6
Survive Custom Night
Survive 6/20 mode
Medals Earned: 3/3 (40/40 points)
Start the game
Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2
Funk on a Friday (real time)
Medals Earned: 6/49 (30/635 points)
Get Marvin
Pull Trader Bob
Pull Fish
Pull Helen
Slay a slime
Slay a pink slime
Pull Steve
Pull Bunny Boy
Pull Rookie Ross
Pull Sally
Pull Faldor Orangebeard
Pull Herman
Pull Kelly
Pull Ryan
Pull Castle Guard
Pull Officer Jim
Pull Sato
Pull Nina
Pull Raavek
Pull Lemon Boy
Pull Sir Ribbit
Pull King Harold
Pull Queen Eve
Pull Bigfoot
Pull Yeti
Pull Moai
Pull Tina
Pull Sierra Mix
Pull Squidly
Pull Floridian Man
Pull Pit the Duck
Pull A Very Handsome Fella
Pull Mentor Lance
Pull Axolotl Wizard
Slay a dunkie
Slay an iced dunkie
Slay a rat
Slay an albino rat
Slay a red mushroom
Slay a mushroom
Slay a lobster
Slay a blue lobster
Pull 30 times in one run
Pull 100 times total
Get 10 followers at once
Pay your rent 30 times total
Pay a rent of 100,000
Lose 100 gacha friends
Get Evicted 3 times
Medals Earned: 2/13 (15/495 points)
Unlock the error platform ability
Unlock the glitch pulse ability
Disable the adblocker
Beat the game on the normal difficulty
Beat the game on the hard difficulty
Beat the game on the extreme difficulty
Explore the ads and analytics centre and discover the secret lab, unlocking a new game mode
Beat the game on any difficulty with fierce foes enabled for the whole game
Unlock the Neolite City observation deck health upgrade
Unlock the Bandwidth Control Site health upgrade
Unlock the Laboratory health upgrade